Saturday, October 20, 2007

chapter 2 from dailygitagist

II a: Shake up and Wake up (2.1-2.3)

Lucky was Arjun
to be with the ONE,
who chided him and nudged him
gently and yet firm.
Compassion of the wise
can come as strong admonition,
like at this time!

In an angry tone, hiding a smile,
said Krishna:
Where from have you allowed
these dark doubts
and attitudes of unproductive, defaming,
unenlightening irresponsibility (!)
to dwell in and deepen and weaken your heart?!

In the onset of this crucial battle
sits the mighty lion
whimpering like a squeaky mouse?!
Shake off this act of a whining lamb
Drop the drama,
the excuses, the complains
and stand up tall
up to the commitment, unshaken,
face the inevitable challenge
of the day with all your might.

II b: The enquiry begins (2.4-2.8)

The strong words
from the dear ONE
did ruffle the warrior of light,
moved him quickly from his steadfast gloom
to a slow examination of the wrong and the right

Well aware of the guilt it would bring
to have fought and killed his teachers and the kin
despite their choice
of the ungracious side
he said: to me a homeless life
seems way more appealing
than for my enjoyment of a kingdom
to put them through the gory fight.

Even victory, kingdom and heaven appeared
to be a tasteless illusion
was it right to fight or not to fight?
Aware now of his confusion
reconising what appears may be misperception
sought Arjun some help and advice
knowing fully well that the wise dont speak
unless asked properly and at the right time...
I am torn between opposites oh dear, he said,
please be my guide to light
and show me what will bring
freedom from this grief of even victory
what will definitely give
meaning to my life?
what am i supposed to do to attain glory, harmony
and long-term delight?

not shy in admitting his weakness and confusion,
seeking support and guidance from the ONE
timely, with humility and devotion,
ah what a quick and intelligent step
from the darkness of despair and confusion
toward wisdom, freedom, and a meaningful life!

II c. The wise lament not the past or future...(2.9-2.11)

The conquerer of sleep
lay down his arms
and sat
waiting for the answer
to his sincere query

There in the middle of the TWO sides
laughing with compassion
the ONE teased him:
Brooding on that which is not worth,
you're misusing words to sound wise!
Neither regret for that which is gone
Nor worry for the that which hasnt even arrived,
trap the attention of the learned,
No! not at any price....

II d: You are beyond time (2.12 - 2.15)

for they who think they know IT all
know not well
Neither the one who thinks
that s/he is hunting ,
"fighting hard",

nor the one who thinks
"poor me! I am dying hard
and am in pain"

really knows life as an eternal happening
that dwells within and beyond
both the slayer and the slain
who they truly are?

And creationless, nor recreated from parts
for that life within,
there is no beginning or final time
no-not on the body's birthday
or its death-chime
permanently on the move and yet totally still
timeless I am
unbeatable by death
despite the decaying body
Ajo anantaaya nityaaya shuddhaaya
unborn, infinite, eternal, everpure
I am
all pervading, ancient,
the very source of life
in you as you
in me as me
in them as them
is the ONE
then who is the slayer, who is the slain?

II e. Unbreakable Life (2.16-2.18)

The untruth sustains not
the feelings so dynamic
nor can the static lack
support truth and life...
Only the one who sees beyond the opposites
of feeling and unfeeling,
of change and stagnation
of desire and resistance,
of faith and doubt,
of darkness and light,
can get to the wisening insight.

realise the endlessness
of that which is
here and there
pervading the whole universe-seen and unseen

of this indivisible oneness,
neither mutation nor mutilation
is a possibility...

the bodies will dissolve
and disintegrate anyway
while the life inside remains forever
unfathomable, indestructible...infinite...
hence stand up and fight O mighty one...

for they who think they know IT all
know not well
Neither the one who thinks
that s/he is hunting ,
"fighting hard",

nor the one who thinks
"poor me! I am dying hard
and am in pain"

really knows life as an eternal happening
that dwells within and beyond
both the slayer and the slain
who they truly are?

And creationless, nor recreated from parts
for that life within,
there is no beginning or final time
no-not on the body's birthday
or its death-chime
permanently on the move and yet totally still
timeless I am
unbeatable by death
despite the decaying body
Ajo anantaaya nityaaya shuddhaaya
unborn, infinite, eternal, everpure
I am
all pervading, ancient,
the very source of life
in you as you
in me as me
in them as them
is the ONE
then who is the slayer, who is the slain?

II g. The MAGNIFICIENT YOU! (2.22-2.25)

the water flows
each moment new
and yet the river
stays the same
the banks that are still
only can notice the flow

thoughts, feelings rush
through the mind,
through you
sparks of life
and in some quiet moments
you see them flow

clothes are changed
when tattered or stinky
old giving way to fresh hues
just so do the bodies change
worn out replaced by brand new!

swords or words that cut like them
cannot cut who you truly are
neither can the burning fire
in the mind or heart or situation outside
char that life within
nor is the spirit drenchable by rainy gloom
or moved by feverish wind

unruffled by devastating storms,
the unbroken stream of life called you flourishes
impossible to interrupt, divide, dissolve or evaporate
eternal, undecaying
ever so fresh, like this moment
totally still and yet totally moving
uncapturable in expressions and words
unfathomable by contemplation or thought
untouched by vices or silly feelings and thoughts
limitless like the star-filled sky
YOU are!

know this,
your true nature,
and be free from despair!

II h. Even if you are the change! (2.26-2.28)

even if you think
the self is recycled
from birth to death
like colours of dusk and dawn
or a beautiful rainbow
why worry?

That which has begun
has to have an end
and that which has ended
revives again
death is certain
of that which is born
and birth is certain
of that which dies
its all just a play of energy
the same water rising
the wave that rises
has to have a fall
and the fallen crest
bound to rise again

sometimes as one wave
sometimes as other...
like an abstract feeling
unspoken before words express it
and unspoken even after the attempt to express!
the abstract going to the abstract
through the forms in between
why worry about so?

events come and events go
feelings come and feelings go
from the ocean, to the ocean
waves but on the surface!
why worry about what you are not!

II i. The wonder of you! (2.29-2.30)

the play of the unchanging amidst the change
the silence amidst the thoughts
the empty space amidst the dance of the elements
Aho! how amazing?!
some envision, some tell,
Oh What a wonder
beyond ignorance
beyond knowledge
beyond words
beyond silence
beyond events
beyond emotions
beyond the moments
pleasant and unpleasant
beyond past and beyond the future
Oh what an amazing phenomenon
beyond comprehension
YOU are?!
the unmoving axis
around which change revolves !!!
The eternal energy fountain
of dynamic life
from which the body, the mind emerges
and into which they dissolve!
amazing to ponder and yet beyond grasp!

And not just you
in every wave
the same immortal ocean roars
So drop the resistance
and wake up the wonder-source!

II j Responsibility is your nature(2.31-2.34)

The ONE continued:

When you come back

to the magic of this moment
and express life dynamically,
your nature is to respond and act
with power and humility
Be unshaken in your committment
and act with total responsibility

for running away from participation
and hiding in desolate inaction
is not the way natural
to YOU,

a supreme warrior of the light
with all skills and ability

Lucky indeed are those who can see
this conflict as the door
to light and inner scenery

Escaping via excuses from challenges
will only move you away from naturalness
and hurt your self-esteem and glory

your lapse from your commitment
will be a tale often told
and to a man of repute
oh honourable one
ill-reputation is a bigger suffering
than death.

What a wonder when the ONE
strikes the ego of the topgun
how skillfully can a sattvic ego be harnessed
to move from confusion to responsible action!!
Isnt it sometimes good to do the right
even if just to protect one's reputation?

II k. Fight with determination(2.35-2.37)

The One continued:

Giving up, whether out of
compassion or discouragement

will put you down,
in the eyes of the revered
among the armament
who will think you chickened out
because of fear, irresolution and detriment

to whom your war-art is an inspiration,
to those yet to come
and to the young and new

you will no longer be

a glorious example to look upto

running away from arrows,
you will be shot down by words instead
undeserved criticisms, draining out
your self-respect and strength.

Whereas on the inevitable
commitment if you act
even death will be heaven
and your victory
making history
will have a lasting impact

Hence get up
oh son of devotion
and face the conflict,
fight the battle-the commotion
with clear focus on knowledge
and single-minded resolution

II l. Fight, but with unshaken smile (2.38-39)

untempted by pleasure
unrepulsed by pain
undeterred by losses
not working for some little gain

undaunted facing failure and
unexcited by success
valiant amidst defeat or victory
even in the toughest test
celebrating life with grace and poise

Not to win or to avoid forfeit,
but just to sport
your personal best
and to stretch your own limits
when you fight the war
just playing
in your role/s all the way upto
and beyond your edge

in this strange and bewildering
battle of life

there will be no way
for guilt, regret, ignorance, blame,
and their smoke-depression: sin
to even arise or haunt you...

established in one's pure
eternal nature
one can celebrate
what one must do
the warrior fights
peacemaker unites
and you can do either-
when the time is right..

The claim to glory,
in heaven and earth
is by doing whatever is necessary
whenever the moment needs you to

such is the wisdom of "Saankhya"
And now assimilate
the way of Yoga
which brings freedom
while living in the world
overflowing with committments too!

That karmaa could ever tie you down
will appear a joke
if you ruminate and act
on what i am about to tell you...

II m. Be a Pro on the path (2.40-41)

milk once curdled
cannot go back
day after day,
the seed grows,
a growth which cannot be undone.

every step, every action,
whether comforting,
out of a mind wide awake
or from a stressful moment,
a disconcerting mistake
it all leads you forward
on the path
even a tiny step, a little action

resonating with your nature
leaps you light years ahead

freeing from the greatest fears

you have no choice
but to move closer
did you know?
that the way back home
...its a one-way street?

you could move straight
or you could move
chasing this chasing that,
you will reach home anyways

but the unprofessional
with a million stopovers
and the smart-focussed one
on a direct flight....

so integrate your mind
and resolutely focus
on what the moment needs from you
scattered and frizzled into
uncountable fruitless rivulets
is the thought/creative power of the uncaring...
be professional and diligent on this path to now-here too!

II n. If you follow fun, misery follows you (2.42-44)

The One continues

those immature ones who chase
Flowery and seemingly irresistible
pleasures and comforts
through religious rituals and offerings
know not the way to truth
nor the essence of the vedas:
of knowledge, of life

the uncaring use the spiritual
to fulfil their material desires
and turn to knowledge
for some short term pleasures,
momentary reliefs, aiming
to get rich or to go to some heaven
or to speed up the returns
of their actions...
the wise seek the imperishable richness
and trade the material
in lieu of realisation of the truth.

The irresolute one
hooked to pleasures
and using their time
just to make comforts and money
impossible for them
is the effortless focus
and the way back to
freedom, peace and equanimity..

II o. You are beyond qualities (2.45-46)

dull, active or bright
are the qualities

of the thoughts-feelings
the electricity moving up as desires
toward the objects of senses...
knowing these tendencies,

know you are not the mind
beyond the qualities
the inqualifiable one go find

who you are
is beyond satva, rajas, tamas...
is neither dull nor bright
neither noisy nor quiet
neither lazy nor uptight...

drop the qualities
drop the choice
drop the divisions,
in yourself, rejoice!

drop the worry for wellbeing
both spiritual and material
be with that trust, that faint inner voice

in the crystal pure essence
in that security of the immutable
repose in your own presence

oh dear all-capable...

celebrate and rejoice!

of what use is a penny
to the one who owns diamonds
of what use is a pebble
to the one who has mountains?

of what use are words
to the one who personifies silence
of what use is a lake

to the one who plays among oceans?

of that use is the knowledge of the relative
to the one who dissolves in
the truth- the infinity: the brahman!
and becomes ONE?

II p. Act from the source (2.47-48)

seeds become saplings
saplings become trees
trees bear fruit
carrying the replicated seed...
some in years,
some in weeks
absorbing water from earth
and sun's comforting heat...

action is the seed,
and to sow, to care
both an urgent need
and your birthright
whatever results
is in its own time,
by grace and natures's
nurturing insight

belonging to nature, not for you to grab
these fruits of the action
whether disgusting
or causing delight...

neither getting stuck
in resistance, worry or inaction
nor running hastily
or refusing to leap
smile and sow,
acting with contentment

confidence and fullness
not in the feverish

or insecure
greed to reap

do what needs to be done
united, centered in trust
that whatever happens
is what needs to happen

with a sportsman's zest
transcend your best,
play united, in harmony
doing what you can do
dropping the worry of what you cant

so that whether you lose or win
the game is total fun
if you remember its a privilege to play

neither success nor failure
ever becomes a burden...

from your true nature
when you act
the path itself is the culmination
head cool,
hands busy
heart filled
with content celebration

every action then is
a free flowing dance
in the journey to now-here
where every step
itself is the destination...

that balanced state
restfully focussed
and alert calmness
when all work is play
is the yoga
-the harmony way...

II q. Skillful excellence in action (2.49-50)

The far-sighted can see and pursue
long term happiness
beyond the short term misery
Every moment engaging in action
and yet untouched by the happening
the intelligent form an example
of dynamic responsibility
while being free,
in surrender

their action being
from the source
out of an expression
of the inner wisdom-life-force
unlike the selfish, myopic
carrot-chasing donkey

The fire of knowledge-awareness
can burn all karma in moments
and the cool grace of surrender
washing away the residues
of both actions, abominable
as well as meritworthy

Skilfully dropping the opposites
fight the war (and not with yourself)
while smiling in harmony
the skill to smartly do the doing
while watching - its all just happening
is itself the way to Oneness

responding to whatever is needed
engaging skill and grace
to the best of one's capacity
deep silence in dynamic activity

is the path of Yoga-unity...

II r. Free mind & disciplined action (2.51-53)

The wise whose intellect is united
can be totally present in action
skilfully dropping the
effects of the past,
and of the future...
claiming their freedom
from the limitations of birth
they celebrate the limitlessness of this very life
despite the limitations of the human-
free even when busy, the wise can just be!

when you can disentangle clear reason
from the mires of delusion,
detaching events, perceptions, prejudices
from emotion
and be driven by pure intelligence,
you will access that deep-rooted calm
beyond sounds and beyond silence
beyond knowledge and beyond ignorance

unshaken and unshakable
by words, said or unsaid,
opinions or perceptions
nor getting stuck
in witting or unwitting positions

when the intellect becomes
free from conflict / resistance,
established in content equanimity,
rejoicing in enthusiasm and harmony
it would have perfected the dance
of stillness
attaining Yoga-unity!

II s. The insightful one (2.54-2.57)

Arjun queried...
couldnt but ask....
about the way to glory,
through intelligence vast...

"How can intelligence be in equanimity
One who is steady in that
how does he walk, talk,
how is his mind's quality?"

The One smiled,
and playfully said

They who can
again and again

let go
of every desire big and small
that rises and falls
through the little mind

being totally with themselves,
centered in the awareness of the blissful self

they are called the realised ones
having a clear, insightful intellect.

unconflicted mind
even amidst toughest times
free from suffering, misery, excuses or complain
amidst even deepest sorrow or excruciating pain

nor fluttered by feverish excitement or greed
amidst even lavish, pleasureful gain
untormented by fear, anger,
craving or disdain
with an intelligence
established in serenity
such alone is the
one steadfast in quietness,
smiling in insightful equanimity

Neither charmed by the worthy
nor repulsed by the ominous
neither attracted
nor averse

to anything-objects, situations, people
that intelligence
is established in the honorable.

II t. Return to the source(2.58-2.61)

The One explained:

like the cautious turtle

totally into its shell

one who can skilfully
the senses
from the sensations

or their external cause

reposing in the inner source

know their intelligence
as unwavering

When the body is malnourished
or unwell
the senses hardly run
toward fun
owing to lack of energy
and yet the impressions,

cravings of the sensory remain...
Just one moment is enough to make them retire
-the moment of insight
of the supreme essence

the crazy pleasure drives
of the unruly mind
even carrying away
the wise sometime

regaining their restraint
skilfully resorting in
the ONE, the source
innately free - beyond constraints
such are the smart ones
driving the senses masterfully
instead of being driven around
by their restless nonsense

II u. Chasing the sensory, resulting in Nonsense! (2.62-63)

the more you brood,
running to or from
the engulfing charming targets
luring audio-visual
or touch-embrace...
deeper gets the vicious, cyclic link
between the object, the feeling and the sensation
the link leading to yearning desire
and desire fulfilled can multiply
or unfulfilled
leaving one infested
with grumbling or frustration,
discontentment or rage...

and blindening rage, the sure source
of despairing delusion
gripping the memory
the recollections of words,
feelings, intentions, perceptions distort...
fractured, tainted memory
destroys the clear intelligent-thought
loss of intelligence...
surest shortcut to disaster!

The feverish pursuit
wishful window shopping, daydreams!
hankering on and on
on these objects of the body-sense
such a quick and queer trap
amazingly and tiringly endless cycle
vortex of wasteful and disastrous,
utter nonsense!

II v. Drop the race, claim the gift of grace (2.64-65)

Moving among the desirables
free from the craving:
the feverishness to get it
and free from aversion:
the feverishness to run away
Operating the senses
from inside out,
Celebrating, honoring and cherishing
the voice beyond the audible
and the sight beyond the eyes,
the sense beyond the sensible
the source beyond the cognition

When the inner life,
who you truly are
takes over ...
proficiently governing the senses
rather than being consumed
wisely moving them toward
the self, the life inside
in a few quiet moments
one arrives at the gift of bliss,
an inner music of joy
immeasurable, unmatchable
by the fleeting pleasures
of petty sensory delight

That present of presence,
that joy, the nectar of life
welling up from the fountain inside
in just moments annihilating grief, all plight

free from misery,
such a blissful mind,
reveling in the thrill of life,
such an intelligence, shining with insight
and a bursting smile
is unable to hide
that its supreme blossoming
has to its culmination

II w. The Unintelligent mind stays closed (2.66)

Alas, on the other hand
the unskilful racing mind,
too fragmented to let go,
to allow blossoming of wisdom

for the mind thus tormented
by languid, limited intellect
certain only in arrogant "I know it all"
numb to feelings
unmindful of the beauty of true silence
no wonder closed are the doors of that heart
estranged from itself-that inner quiet respite,
peace being out of question,
where to be found is joy? or that childlike smile?

II x. Discipline leads to intelligence (2.67-68)

like an unanchored boat
quickly taken adrift by the wind
so is the mind chasing the flimsy senses
stolen away from the center and intelligence,

hence oh mighty one,
take charge of the organs/senses
driving them coolly,
toward the essential, the needful,
rather than being driven away by them,
in chasing the "want" or the "wishful"

such a disciplined mind alone
can settle
in that inner intelligence-
the way to being centered
and supremely blissful

II y. Content like the ocean (2.69-70)

in that which is dark night
to the unsophisticated
all toward which they are inert
sleepy and unaware
the disciplined one is wide awake
that which excites and wakes up
ordinary mortals
that is seen as sleepy night
to the ascetic...

savoring every moment
rejoicing in the inner fullness,
the beauty of the vast potent
unmoved by even scathing change
just as rivers gush into the Ocean
and yet self-contained it can remain
fulfilled, disciplined and sane!

in such manner
the one who
remains unshaken
from knowledge
by even bountiful currents
of cravings and desires,
untrustable emotions
and moving doubts
steadfast in the ocean
of love and life within
content and deep-rooted...
such a one alone attains the peace...
not the flaky pleasure-chaser!

II z. dissolving in divinity (2.71-72)

shedding and re-shedding
all desires, every one of them
the mature one walks,
untouched, unheeding,
devoid of mayhem
free from the feeling
of " poor me, great me,
me, me,
what about me,
what about me"
rejoicing instead
in love and surrender,
natural and barrier-free,
all-embracing without vanity
such a one alone can attain peace,
ah and the silent celebration of equanimity !

what a state of freedom
and blissful divinity...
once attained, there is
no more entanglement,
no more delusion,
all left in life is clarity
one who stays steadfast
in this subtle blissful serenity
while counting the last breaths
of the body
earns total freedom

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Compilation of the Gita Slokas is indeed very good.

Its a site that i would like to refer and lookup again and again.